Apply for Membership

The Australian Cable Initiative promotes the use of electrical cables that are compliant with the relevant Australian Standards and, above all, are always safe to use.

Click here to learn more about what the ACI does.

These member companies have made a commitment to ensure their products are of the highest quality and safe to use at all times.

Nexans Olex Logo
Prysmian Logo
Middy's Electrical Logo
Bambach Logo
Tycab logo
Tycab logo
Arlec Australia Logo
JR-Hammer Logo
Key Logo
Gemcell Electrical Group

Why become an ACI member?

As a member of the Australian Cable Initiative, you are giving customers the highest level of confidence in the safety of the electrical cables they purchase. All in-scope building cables that are sold by ACI members must be compliant with the relevant Australian Standards, properly certified, and registered on the EESS database. The Australian Cable Initiative creates a point of difference by regularly subjecting cables of members to independent testing to assure compliance with standards and that products are always safe to use.

Members of the ACI abide by the ACI Constitution and Charter.

Members also support and encourage regular independent testing of their products to reconfirm compliance and safety.

Wholesalers members have a quality mark (the ACI logo) that denotes to all that their products meet a rigorously high standard upheld by the ACI and will lead to higher sales.

Contractors minimise their risk and liability of installing defective cable by using an ACI recognised product.


Membership of the ACI is open to any company that manufactures or sells cable in the Australian market.


Member obligations

All members of the ACI work towards achieving the mission of the Australian Cable Initiative.

What do members agree to do?

Manufacturing members agree to:
  • Operate and maintain an externally accredited Quality Management System within their production facilities
  • Maintain audited quality plans for the products
  • Ensure all in-scope products have been correctly type tested in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard, certified for compliance and registered on the EESS database
  • Undertake all routine testing, as required by the relevant Australian Standard, to ensure ongoing compliance
  • Participate in the random surveillance auditing requirement
  • Immediately alert the market and the relevant State Electrical Safety Office if a non-compliance is detected that may subsequently render a product or products to be unsafe to use
Reseller members agree to:
  • Ensure that all products acquired for sale are correctly certified and registered on the EESS database
  • Identify the manufacturing source (factory) of all cable products and ensure that should this change the products are correctly re-certified
  • Ensure that their supplying manufacturers operate with the same obligations, as a minimum, that ACI Manufacturing members undertake to uphold
  • Cooperate with the ACI administration to provide random marketplace samples for testing as required
  • Immediately alert the market and the relevant State Electrical Safety Office if a non-compliance is detected that may subsequently render a product or products to be unsafe to use


Why should electrical cables manufactured, sold, used, or distributed in Australia be compliant with Australian Standards?